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What Date Was Jesus Born In The Bible? Uncovering The Mystery

When Was Jesus Christ Born? The Bible Says September 11, 3Bc-The Day Of The  Feast Of Trumpets - Goodness Of God Ministriesgoodness Of God Ministries

What Date Was Jesus Born In The Bible? Uncovering The Mystery

When Was Jesus Born?

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When Was Jesus Actually Born Day?

The exact date of Jesus’ birth remains a mystery as there is no specific mention of it in the New Testament. Even authoritative sources like the Encyclopaedia of Theology and the Church acknowledge the uncertainty surrounding Jesus’ birthdate, stating that it is unknown. This lack of clarity is not unexpected, given that people in the historical context of Jesus’ time did not keep records of years and specific dates as we do today. Consequently, to this day, the precise day of Jesus’ birth remains elusive, leaving us without a definitive answer.

When Was Jesus Born On September 11?

On September 11, 3 B.C., a significant astronomical event occurred in Bethlehem of Judaea. At sunset, which was at 6:18 pm, and lasting until moonset at 7:39 pm, there was a crucial 81-minute window of time. It is within this specific timeframe that many scholars believe Jesus Christ was born. This alignment of celestial events has led researchers to pinpoint this period as a potential momentous birthdate for Jesus, offering insights into the historical context of his birth.

Why Was December 25Th Chosen As The Birthday Of Jesus?

The choice of December 25th as the date to celebrate Jesus’ birthday can be traced back to an interesting historical context. It appears that the decision was influenced by the connection to March 25th, which was traditionally believed to be the date of Jesus’ crucifixion. Early Christians began to develop the theological concept that Jesus was both conceived and crucified on the same day. Consequently, they established December 25th as the date for commemorating his birth, precisely nine months after the supposed crucifixion date of March 25th. This linkage between these two significant events holds deep religious significance in Christian tradition, with December 25th symbolizing the birth of Jesus, following the earlier event of his crucifixion on March 25th. This choice of dates has been a central part of the Christian calendar for centuries, shaping the way the birth of Jesus is celebrated.

Found 34 What date was Jesus born in the Bible

When Was Jesus Christ Born? The Bible Says September 11, 3Bc-The Day Of The  Feast Of Trumpets - Goodness Of God Ministriesgoodness Of God Ministries
When Was Jesus Christ Born? The Bible Says September 11, 3Bc-The Day Of The Feast Of Trumpets – Goodness Of God Ministriesgoodness Of God Ministries
When Was Jesus Born? | Bibleinfo.Com
When Was Jesus Born? | Bibleinfo.Com
Date Of Birth Of Jesus - Wikipedia
Date Of Birth Of Jesus – Wikipedia
When Was Jesus Born? - Youtube
When Was Jesus Born? – Youtube
Was Jesus Born On December 25? Is December 25 Jesus' Birthday? |  Gotquestions.Org
Was Jesus Born On December 25? Is December 25 Jesus’ Birthday? | Gotquestions.Org
When Was Jesus Christ Born?: Was Jesus Born On December 25 - Christmas Day?  | United Church Of God
When Was Jesus Christ Born?: Was Jesus Born On December 25 – Christmas Day? | United Church Of God

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When Was Jesus Born?
When Was Jesus Born?

The date of birth of Jesus is not stated in the gospels or in any historical sources, but most biblical scholars generally accept a date of birth between 6 BC and 4 BC, the year in which King Herod died.In the New Testament there is no mention of Jesus’ date of birth. Even the Encyclopaedia of Theology and the Church says: “The true birthday of Jesus is unknown”. This is not surprising, because people at that time were completely unaware of the year and the day. To this day the true birthday of Jesus is still unclear.On September 11, 3 B.C. sunset was at 6:18 pm and moonset at 7:39 pm. It was during this eighty-one minute period of time that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judaea.

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