Why Did Muslims Initially Reject Printing? Unveiling The Historical Shift
Why Did The Islamic World Reject The Printing Press | Al Muqaddimah
Keywords searched by users: Why did Muslims print first refused printing press banned in ottoman empire, why did the ottomans ban the printing press, fatwa against printing press, printing press ottoman empire
Why Did Islam Reject Printing Press?
Historian Francis Robinson sheds light on the intriguing question of why the Islamic tradition resisted the adoption of the printing press for an extended period. He emphasizes the pivotal role of orality, particularly the oral transmission of the Qur’an, in comprehending this phenomenon. It is essential to recognize that a multitude of aspects related to the Qur’an’s sacred status and functions were deeply intertwined with its oral rendition, as opposed to a written format. Robinson’s insights provide a valuable perspective on the historical context and motivations behind Islam’s reluctance to embrace the printing press (as of June 1, 2016).
What Are Two Reasons Why The Islamic Empires Resisted The Printing Press?
Two key factors contributed to the resistance of the Islamic empires toward adopting the printing press. As Suraiya Faroqhi suggests, the reluctance to embrace this technology can be attributed to a combination of factors, primarily rooted in a lack of interest and religious concerns. To elaborate, the Islamic world exhibited limited enthusiasm for the printing press due to its perceived foreign origin, unfamiliarity with its potential benefits, and the preference for traditional manuscript production. Moreover, the religious dimension played a significant role, with Muslim legal scholars expressing strong opposition to printing in the Arabic script. They cited concerns related to the accuracy and sanctity of religious texts, further contributing to the formal or informal prohibition of printing within Islamic empires.
Why Was It Difficult For Arabs To Have A Printing Press?
The challenge of introducing printing presses in the Arab world, particularly within the Ottoman Empire, stemmed from concerns held by the ruling sultans. Their primary worry revolved around the possibility of individuals with biased intentions manipulating sacred religious texts through this new technology. Consequently, in 1485, Sultan Bayezid II (1447 or 8-1512) took decisive action by issuing a royal decree that effectively banned the production and use of printed books in an effort to safeguard the integrity of religious materials and prevent any potential misuse of the printing press technology. This cautious approach delayed the adoption of printing technology in the Arab world, emphasizing the significance of religious and cultural considerations in its introduction.
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Learn more about the topic Why did Muslims print first refused.
- Why Did the Islamic World Reject the Printing Press
- Print or not print: is that still the question? – eCommons@AKU
- Global spread of the printing press – Wikipedia
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